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Showing posts from 2015

Performing at Mobius on September 26

Looking forward to this - click on the image to read all the names

AUG 29: Vincent Cacialano, Alan McDermott, and My Brother Daniel @ TLAS

Ongoing Modern Dance Classes

If interested, please contact me to make sure class is meeting as class is occasionally cancelled

Where I've been!

Hey everyone, Blogspot fell off my radar, and actually lots has happened since I last posted.  I'm going to use this post just to document what's gone on the last 6 months. Aug. 14, 2015 - Movement and Method retreat at Windhover July + August - taught at Summer Intensives for Boston Ballet, Windhover, and Liza Indiciani's July 26 - Performed for Windhover Fundraiser, with Dusan Tynek Dance Theater June 20 - Performed at Gloucester Writers Center 5th Anniversary Gala June 13 - SSS and Dancers perform "Insensor" at Dance for World Community Festival November 22, 2014 - Loren Doucette and I showed a work-in-progress "Unravelling" at Trident Gallery upcoming events will appear in a separate post.